Friday, January 7, 2011

Day Six/Seven: Oil

The only MMORPG I have ever played is Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. In it, one of the significant parts of Realm vs. Realm play are keep sieges. One of the staple dangers when taking a keep is the oil.

Thursdays are knit-night, and so rather than sit at home and write a blog post, I hung out with friends. When the topic of conversation came around to my acne, they - like all friends - had lots of advice. My skin is very dry, but then again, it's January in the high plains. Anyway, the fact that I touch my face a significant amount during the day - even with dry/lotioned hands - and my hair and glasses may be transferring oil onto my face (see all those blemishes at my temples?) could be a strong contributing factor to my acne.

The game plan? To keep my hair back and off my face and make an effort not to touch my face. Habit-breaking is always hard, but I've got to give it a shot.

This morning, I only did the cleanser. But as I sit here writing this, my skin feels dry. Before i leave for work, I'll put the moisturizer on and try to find a headband to keep my bangs back and off my face.

Also - doctor's appointment. Not dermatologist. Just a doctor. It's been three years.

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