Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21: Back in Radio Contact

It's been ten days since I posted. Vacation and all that. I have altered the Regimen so that I am only putting the BP on trouble spots rather than all over my face. It's working in that my face isn't as nearly as flakey-dry as it was, and I feel better. I do have some new zits (white suckers - I'm not sure what the technical name is), but hopefully they'll go away soon.

My plan is to look into microdermabrasion once I don't have any "active" zits to take care of the scarring on my cheeks. Those spots have got to go - even foundation doesn't entirely cover them up. Thankfully, they're just marks and not the "pot holes on your face" kind.


  1. They used to call them "whiteheads." I don't know if the term is still valid or not.

  2. I always called them whiteheads too... I think there is a technical term for them but I don't remember what it is.
