On the left, you have a picture of me this morning. On the right, a picture of me last night. I daresay, it's getting worse, not better. Also, there is a new blemish on the right side of my face, below my lip. I don't know what to call that part of my face. It's not cheek. It's not chin. It's...weird.
I have noticed that, for the last two days my skin has burned. I only apply it to my cheeks, but it got to the point where I dreaded putting it on my skin. So as of tonight, I won't be using it in the evening - just in the morning.
Tomorrow, I plan on looking up the differences between Clean and Clear and products like Neutrogena Skin ID and Proactiv. I mean, I picked up Clean and Clear off the shelf for...well, I can't really give a good reason other than that the way it was presented on the packaging sounded promising. But products like Skin ID and Proactive have ad campaigns and such. So what do they do that Clean and Clear doesn't? Let's face it - there are only a handful of medications approved by the FDA for acne treatment.
Also, after tonight's treatment? My face is RED. I can't get a good picture of it, but believe me. It's like I'm blushing for no reason - all on my cheeks, chin, and forehead.